Today, we applied the late spring fertilizer to your lawn. Organic Soil Solutions uses a soy fertilizer that is good food for the soil biology.

I recently read an article in the NY Times by Curt Stager titled ‘The Silence of the Bugs’. He chronicles research finding a loss of over 80% of flying insects netted in Germany. A lot of us older folks remember when insects used to cover our windshields on a long trip. In England, volunteers attach ‘splat-o-meters’ over their license plates to measure the number of flying insects and there are not that many. Of course, scientists suspect pesticides as the cause of this decline. They always do.

Many homeowners think the lawn belongs to them, and they can kick everyone else off by making it too toxic. Stay off that carpet of green grass. Organic lawn care allows us to pretend we own it, while sharing it with others. After all, it won’t be long before we will all be pushing up dandelions. Edward O. Wilson, an eminent biologist, is quoted in the article, “If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.”

Not everyone loves bugs and we apply garlic and cedar oil to repel mosquitoes and ticks, but maybe the reason the ones that are left are so nasty is that they don’t have all the others. To play with. I just can’t get used to worrying about ticks when I walk through the woods. Here is what some customers say:

“A year after we “went organic”, we suddenly had bunnies, turkeys, dragonflies, butterflies, hummingbirds, chipmunks, foxes, and tons of songbirds visiting our lawn for the first time.”

“Last year, I even had a beehive. For the first my ten years here, there are butterflies, birds and rabbits: The difference is amazing.”

“We actually have healthy looking grass instead of moss and sandy dirt. Ours is one of the few lawns in the neighborhood that birds and other wildlife seem to populate. All that natural goodness must lure them in.”

The lawn will do better in the summer if you mow high now. As always, please call (781-937-9992) or email ([email protected]) with any questions or concerns.


Mike Murray