The 2022 Drought

A sketch with “I’ve never seen the corn this bad”

Today we slice seeded and added the early fall fertilizer to your lawn. We’ve been working to improve the soil through the year, and now is the time when we can finally reap the benefits. After all the heat of the summer, we want your lawn looking its best in the fall. It has been…

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Mother Earth Knows…

Tilling process that is brought about by the different stages

It is all about the soil. I see it everywhere, Soil Workshops in Lincoln and featured in the Audubon magazine. A knowledgeable customer sent me an 18 minute film which is on Youtube. (Dead zones: how chemical pollution is suffocating the sea). It shows how tilling agricultural fields in Minnesota helps cause the dead zone…

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Painting of organic Soil Solutions

Organic Soil Solutions uses a soy fertilizer that is good food for the biology. The bacteria and fungi eat it up and release nutrients as they are needed by the plants.  Unlike water soluble chemicals, the fertilizer will not run into the streams and rivers with the next big rain. It is that time of year…

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Organic Soil Solutions

It’s not that I am old, but I remember vividly the first Earth Day in 1970.  I was in college at UNH and taking a class in something nobody had ever heard of – ecology, the branch of biology that deals with the relation of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.  I…

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Organic Soil Solutions

An old seed merchant once told me, “Mike, you’ve got to make a pilgrimage to the Willamette valley in Oregon where all the grass seed is grown.”  Since my brother lives near there, I did. This farm grows mostly tall fescue, perennial rye and fine fescue. The farmers were really nice and they were happy…

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Organic Soil Solutions

There is a lot of clover this year and people love it or hate it.  To put it in perspective, I would like to share the view of clover before the advent of broadleaf weed killer.  This is from the scientist who introduced 2,4-D to the landscape.  He lamented the fact that the chemical herbicide…

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported a threefold increase in cases of illnesses transmitted to humans by mosquitoes and ticks in the last 15 years. Making matters worse, nine new pathogens emerged for the first time in the U.S. during this same period. When temperatures rise, the time between generations of mosquitoes shortens. What’s…

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Permeable Pavers Solution

Organic Soil Solutions

When my asphalt driveway was cracking a few years back, I called 3 paving companies to give quotes on repairing or replacing it.  No one returned my call.  Frustrated, I had the Organic Soil Solutions crew tear it up and lay down crusher run, a dense grade aggregate that compacts well, but allows the water to seep…

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Dormant Seeding

Gray colored ground with some small grasses

This should be a great year for dormant seeding if you already did it. We were able to do a number of lawns that needed some help, just before the recent storm. Now that seed is lying dormant under three feet of snow. Dormant seed in a battered lawnHere are a few pictures of dormant…

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Plants Need Love Too

Organic Soil Solutions spread by a man

If you like our approach to lawns, you’ll love what we can do for your plants and landscape. Our primary focus has always been lawn care, but as our name implies, Organic Soil Solutions is really about the soil. Caring for the soil is the best way to provide an attractive organic lawn, but a…

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