Turning Bad Soil into a Green Organic Lawn

We Identified Bad Soil….
A house was built with a considerable area that was dedicated to lawn. It had been seeded twice in the spring but not much had germinated. Even crabgrass was afraid to tred here.
That is about as lifeless as you can get. The soil was highly compacted and it didn’t drain. The pH was 7.1 and there was almost 5% organic matter, normally pretty good numbers. A soil textural test came back as 80% sand, 18% silt and only 2% clay. In a soil this hard, I would have expected more clay.
You could not sink a shovel into this stuff!

Did Some Work…
In August, Organic Soil Solutions tore up the top six inches of soil and incorporated 90 yards of top quality compost into the mix.
You can see some piles of compost in the background. It was a little early for seeding, but the homeowner was able to water, and it came up pretty well.
“We’re starting to see some new grass and it looks great!!!” they wrote to us.

And Turned the Bad Soil into a Green Organic Lawn!
As part of our Fall Lawn Fix service, we core aerated and slice seeded in September. The lawn was finally starting to look good as the leaves were changing color.
In my experience, it takes a while for compost and the biological diversity it brings, to really work. We did some dormant seeding just before three feet of snow covered the ground. When I was spreading the seed, I was impressed with how thick the grass was. We expect it to look great in the spring and even better this fall.
“You are the master of this incredibly green lawn” is how the homeowner phrased it.
Want a green, organic lawn?
Contact us today for your free consultation.