Confessions From Skeptic to Believer

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This is the tale of Amy J. from Arlington, MA…

One year ago in October, our lawn looked disgusting. It was full of large open bare spots and significant portions were brown. This October, after a growing season of organic care and feeding from Organic Soil Solutions, it looks AWESOME! It is green, thick and lush. And, yes, it does have a few weeds (e.g., clover, sheep sorel, and an occasional dandelion). But, there are NO bare spots. A number of our neighbors have commented on how good the lawn looks and have asked us who our lawn service is. I have to admit that I was questioning the organic approach in July-August when there was a fairly large invasion of spurge weed that was trying to fill in the bare spots. However, after the second overseeding and plenty of water (3 times a day for 10 minutes at a time), the grass filled in and won the battle of the spurge. I am very optimistic about the organic approach, and am interested to see how our lawn fairs in year 2 of the process. We had a very positive experience with Organic Soil Solutions and plan to go with them again next year.
Bottom line: Organic lawn care + regular watering + mowing high (~ 2 inches) works. Our lawn made dramatic improvements in 1 year. However, you will have a few weeds. Get used to it. But, we are no longer applying toxic chemicals to our lawn that can get on us and our son when they are on the grass and then wash off into the street and into the storm sewer path the the rivers, lakes, and ocean. Beautiful lawn. Better for our health and the environment. Sounds pretty good to me.

What services did Organic Soil Solutions (OSS) provide for Amy and her family?
OSS provided organic lawn care treatment from April to September including soil test, organic fertilizer, limestone deposition, overseeding in spring and fall, core aeration, top dressing as needed, and compost tea. OSS provided detailed information on the different lawn care steps as they were performed and visited Amy’s lawn 5 or 6 times during the growing season.

Contact us today for a free assessment.

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