Early Spring Fertilizer Newsletter

Organic Soil Solutions

I can’t remember when I enjoyed the chirping of the birds and the peeping of the frogs so much, even when I was a kid and could run like the wind in my new sneakers. After a long winter, the feel of soft earth beneath the feet must have delighted humans since forever. Today, you…

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Organic Soil Solutions

There is a lot of clover this year and people love it or hate it.  To put it in perspective, I would like to share the view of clover before the advent of broadleaf weed killer.  This is from the scientist who introduced 2,4-D to the landscape.  He lamented the fact that the chemical herbicide…

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported a threefold increase in cases of illnesses transmitted to humans by mosquitoes and ticks in the last 15 years. Making matters worse, nine new pathogens emerged for the first time in the U.S. during this same period. When temperatures rise, the time between generations of mosquitoes shortens. What’s…

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Organic Lawns for Homeowners Workshop on April 9th

Organic Soil Solutions

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be teaching the upcoming “Organic Lawns for Homeowners” workshop at the Stoneham Public Library, 431 Main Street, on Saturday, April 9 from 11 am to 2 pm. Homeowners will learn various organic lawn care methods and maintenance techniques in this three-hour intensive workshop. The workshop will also include a hands-on demonstration…

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New Season = New Compost Lawn Care Option

Organic Soil Solutions

Under the snow sits a beautiful lawn waiting to stretch out and capture some rays. In an effort to help the grass enjoy the summer and grow happy and healthy, we are offering two separate programs this year: Traditional lawn care proposal is essentially the same program we’ve used the last few years. It provides nourishment…

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Leaves, The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Organic Soil Solutions

After witnessing the great New England leaf removal of the past few weeks, I’m struck by what a valuable resource we are taking away from a soil that sorely needs organic matter. Trees send their roots deep into the soil in search of minerals and nutrients to form leaves, a great source of organic matter.…

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Organic Soil Solutions Feels the Love

Organic Soil Solutions

It’s been a tough year, but we’ve had great success with many of the lawns we cared for in 2010. The Organic Soil Solutions team would like to thank everyone for your patience and support as we battled the heat and crazy New England weather to make your lawns healthy and beautiful. We’re looking forward…

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How the Summer Heat Impacted Our Lawns

Organic Soil Solutions

It’s been one of the toughest years ever for lawns. I’m told we had 23 days over 90 degrees, as opposed to 3 last year. Of course, it was the hottest July ever and the rain didn’t fall that much. Today, its 80 degrees, the leaves are falling and it’s still September. I think the…

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Is Your Lawn Brown from the Hottest July Ever?

Organic Soil Solutions

Some of the browning and stress in lawns this summer is due to a build up of thatch, a mix of dead and living roots, shoots and stems that accumulates between the soil and the grass blades. A problem occurs when the thatch builds up faster than it is broken down by soil organisms. Air…

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