Keeping Your Soil Healthy All Year Round
“Good soil has plenty of pore space to hold water and grow roots, organic matter to provide nutrients, and lots of soil biology scurrying around to make it all work.”
Organic Soil Solutions offers a one-year organic lawn care program that improves your soil and strengthens your lawn in preparation for seeding in the fall. Our program includes each of these services:

Our Season

Our season starts April 1st, when barring snow, we apply an early spring fertilizer. This soy-based fertilizer stimulates soil biology and gets the grass off to a fast start, out-competing annual weeds. On April 15th, we usually start overseeding of bare spots and winter damage. The seed is mixed with a blend of 60% soil and 40% compost that helps the grass germinate quickly and grow strong roots. In June, we apply a late spring fertilizer that breaks down slowly over the summer and helps the lawn survive summer stress. During the summer we apply limestone, according to soil test results.

Late August and throughout September is when we do our most dramatic work, slice seeding and core aerating. Hopefully, the soil is in decent shape and the seed will flourish. The slice seeder is a machine that cuts a furrow in the soil and drops in the seed. It provides excellent soil to seed contact and de-thatches as well. Each truck has a core aerator for soils that are compacted. We add fertilizer to promote the fall growth spurt at the same time.
After October 1st, humates and kelp are applied as soil conditioners and to provide any micronutrients that are missing.
We Are Slowly Killing Our Soil
We all want nice looking lawns and landscapes. So we take our leaves and grass clippings to the dump, removing essential organic matter. And every spring we apply broadleaf weed controls to kill the weeds emerging in our lawns. These same toxins kill or debilitate trees and woody plants. Pesticides rid lawns of insect pests, but they also kill beneficial microorganisms that work to keep your soil nurturing and alive. Quick-fix fertilizers applied to compacted or poor soil make lawns grow fast and green, but exhaust grassroots, promoting thatch—a breeding ground for insects and disease.
Years and years of these practices have taken a toll. Much soil is in rough shape—depleted of organic nutrients, depleted of organic nutrients and microbiology, deprived of oxygen, and contaminated with chemicals which seep into the water table and threaten our irreplaceable water supply.
We Serve Your Town
Need organic lawn care in Wellesley, Waltham or Medford? Are you located in Boston? Does your lawn need some love in Newton? We provide organic lawn care service to many towns throughout Massachusetts.
Click here to see where we offer our organic lawn care service in MA.