Three Ways to Remove Invasive Plants

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Invasive plants are the unwanted guests at the party. Yes, someone invited them, but who knew they would act like such cads. With no pests or diseases to keep them at bay, they take over the room, pushing everyone else to the side. There is a list of plants that are illegal to import, sell or propagate in Massachusetts. These are the invasives. Not all non-natives are invasives.oriental bittersweet

The debate goes on…
There is a debate in the scientific community about how far we can or should go to control these monsters. Even Michael Pollan sides with the “let ‘em be and allow nature to take its’ course” crowd. Others feel that eradication of invasive plants is one way for humans to mitigate our effect on the environment.

However you feel about controlling these plants in the environment, there are times when everyone agrees they have to go. When water chestnuts clog the river of Japanese knotweed (which thrives on volcanoes in nature) and starts breaking up the pavement, you’ve got to take action. Oriental bittersweet can smother trees and shrubs and even topple them. Japanese barberry is a great environment for ticks.

Some of us here at Organic Soil Solutions are getting certificates from UMass in invasive plant removal. We’re eager to learn more in hopes of replenishing your yard and bringing it back to a healthy state for you and your family.

There are three main ways to remove invasives including:

  1. Mechanical – pulling the plants up by the roots
    Chemical – usually wicking the stems with glyphosate
    Burning or biological control – they are trying this on mile-a-minute vine in the Blue Hills

Ready to remove invasives?
It is best to plant an alternative once the invasive is removed, and then maintenance is required for a few years to keep them away. If you are interested in removing invasives or other plants from your yard, please give a call at (781) 937-9992 or contact us here.