Mother Earth Knows…

Tilling process that is brought about by the different stages

It is all about the soil. I see it everywhere, Soil Workshops in Lincoln and featured in the Audubon magazine. A knowledgeable customer sent me an 18 minute film which is on Youtube. (Dead zones: how chemical pollution is suffocating the sea). It shows how tilling agricultural fields in Minnesota helps cause the dead zone…

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Early Spring Fertilizer Newsletter

Organic Soil Solutions

I can’t remember when I enjoyed the chirping of the birds and the peeping of the frogs so much, even when I was a kid and could run like the wind in my new sneakers. After a long winter, the feel of soft earth beneath the feet must have delighted humans since forever. Today, you…

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Our 10th Year Providing Organic Lawn Care

Organic Soil Solutions

This is our 10th year providing organic lawn care to the Boston area community. When we began at Organic Soil Solutions in 2003, my now 13 year old wise guy was treating me like a rock star whenever I walked through the door. My never to be seen 19 year old college kid was my…

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